Hexapod Robot
1. Title: A Hexapod2. Components:
i. 12 servo motors
ii. 1 controller board
iii. chassis (body of the robot)
iv. Battery/Adapter
3. Rating/Difficulty: 3/5
4. Description: It is a crawling 6 leg's Reptile
5. Concepts to Study: Gait patterns, controller board, servo motor
6. Procedure:
i. Design chassis
ii. Mount Motors on chassis
iii. Mount Controller board
iv. Connect controller board and Receiver
v. Install Simulated program and various gait patterns from computer into controller board.
vi. Switch ON the supply and see it crawling!!!
7. Advantages:
i. simple in construction
ii. digital programming required
iii. Simulation can be done
i. less battery Life
i. Autonomous hexapod
iii. Improve structure of legs
10. Applications: Surveillance system, land mines detection, Forest monitoring.
11. Price: INR 8000/-
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